Figure 5.
T cell numbers in relation to indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) expression by primary cervical tumor cells. (A) Representative immunofluorescence images showing monochromatic FoxP3 (in green), Ki67 (in red), CD8 (in blue), and the merged panel with FoxP3, Ki67, CD8 and DAPI. In box 1 a proliferating Ki67+FoxP3+ T cell is depicted, in box 2 a cytotoxic CD8+ T cells is depicted, in box 3 a FoxP3+ Treg is depicted, and in box 4 a proliferating CD8+Ki67+ T cell is depicted. Scale bar is 100 µm. Scatter plots show intratumoral numbers per square millimeters for (B) CD8+Ki67+ T cells and (C) CD8+ T cell/FoxP3+ Treg ratio in IDO-negative (n = 6, white dots) and IDO-positive (n = 29, black squares) primary tumors (PTs). Scatter plots show intratumoral numbers per square millimeters for (D) CD8+Ki67+ T cells and (E) CD8+ T cell/FoxP3+ Treg ratio in PTs with marginal IDO (n = 4, white triangles), patchy + marginal IDO (n = 7, black/white triangles), and patchy IDO expression (n = 16, black triangles). P values were calculated using Mann–Whitney U test. **P = 0.004.