Table 1. P athL inker application programming interface (API) parameters.
Parameter | Type | Description | Present
in UI |
sources | String | Node names separated by spaces | ✓ |
targets | String | Node names separated by spaces | ✓ |
k | Integer | Number of paths to compute | ✓ |
edgeWeightType | String | UNWEIGHTED, ADDITIVE, or PROBABILITIES | ✓ |
edgePenalty | Integer | Penalize low-weight paths with many edges | ✓ |
edgeWeightColumnName | String | Name of the Edge Table column that contains the edge
weights |
✓ |
allowSourcesTargetsInPaths | T/F | Allow sources and targets to be intermediate nodes in paths | ✓ |
includeTiedPaths | T/F | Include more than
k paths if their score equals the
kth path’s
score |
✓ |
treatNetworkAsUndirected | T/F | Ignore directionality when computing paths | ✓ |
skipSubnetworkGeneration | T/F | Return only the k shortest paths |