Fig 7. Directional characteristics of the eye movement pattern.
The distribution of the wedges shows the angles theta (θh) between the saccades and the horizontal meridian. A: Changes in eye movement patterns during VS for one patient with major improvement in STs (only 6 months after onset of HH). Before training, the patient showed many vertical saccades, while horizontal saccades were mostly directed towards the seeing hemifield (white). At T2, the dominance of vertical saccades has disappeared, and more horizontal saccades are directed towards the non-seeing hemifield (gray). At T3, a prevalence of horizontal saccades has developed, so that the search pattern now resembles the pattern of the healthy subjects. B: Search patterns of one healthy subject at T1 and T2. The length of each radial wedge indicates the number of saccades in that direction without change just by repeating the task.