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. 2018 Jul 18;13(7):e0199708. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0199708

Table 1. Comparison of DHL and DEL (non-DHL) cases.

Characteristic DHL (n = 40) DEL (non-DHL) (n = 58)* P P^
Age, years, median (range) 68 (range 21–88) 65 (range 30–92) 0.896
Gender, male 21 (53%) 37 (64%) 0.265
IPI at diagnosis, average (range) 3.4 (range 1–5) 2.3 (range 0–5) <0.001
    LDH, U/L, median (range) 677 (range 107–6411) 238 (118–11743) 0.087
    Stage, average (range) 3.9 (range III-IV) 3.3 (range I-IV) 0.008
    Extranodal sites, average (range) 2.1 (range 0–5) 1.3 (range 0–5) 0.003
        Bulky GI disease 9 (23%) 10 (17%) 0.561 0.561
        Bone marrow 15 (38%) 4 (7%) <0.001 0.001
        CNS 7 (18%) 8 (14%) 0.490 0.561
Remission achieved 16 (40%) 28 (48%) 0.377
Primary refractory status 13 (33%) 17 (29%) 0.514
Prior chemotherapy 3 (8%) 6 (10%) 0.633
Transformed disease 14 (35%) 8 (14%) 0.016
Tissue size, mm2, median (range) 52 (3–432 mm2) 55 (2–432 mm2) 0.841
Specimen type
    Bone marrow 7 (18%) 1 (2%) 0.022 0.022
    Other tissue 29 (73%) 57 (98%) 0.004 0.012
    Cytology 4 (10%) 0 (0%) 0.014 0.021
    CD20, number positive 36 (90%) 56 (97%) 0.184
    MYC, %, median (range) 85 (25–100%) 60 (40–95%) 0.004 0.012
    BCL2, %, median (range) 100 (0–100%) 98 (55–100%) 0.850 0.850
    Ki67, %, median (range) 75 (20–95%) 85 (35–100%) 0.012 0.018
    CD52, number positive 30 (75%) 44 (76%) 0.920
    MYC translocation 40 (100%) 4 (7%) <0.001
    BCL2 translocation 30 (75%) NA/ND
    BCL6 translocation 15 (38%) NA/ND
    DLCBL 22 (55%) 51 (88%) NA
    DLBCL/BL 7 (18%) 6 (10%) NA
    Blastoid 11 (28%) 1 (2%) NA

NA = not applicable; ND = not determined; NOS = not otherwise specified; IPI = International Prognostic Index; GI = gastrointestinal; CNS = central nervous system; LDH = lactate dehydrogenase; DLBCL = diffuse large B-cell lymphoma; BL = Burkitt lymphoma

*MYC-translocated DEL cases were shown to be negative for both BCL2 and BCL6 translocations;

P^ = Family-wise FDR adjusted p-values