Tbkbp1 mediates IL-15-stimulated autophagy in NKT cells. a–d IB analysis of LC3 modification and p62 degradation (a, c) and Ulk1 phosphorylation (b, d) in whole-cell lysates of IL-15-stimulated WT or Tbkbp1-KO thymic NKT cells (a, b) or NKT hybridoma cells transduced with a non-silencing control shRNA (shCtrl) or two different Tbkbp1-specific shRNAs that were stimulated with IL-15 (d) or IL-15 together with DMSO or bafilomycin A (c). e Confocal microscopic analysis of LC3 puncta, DAPI (nuclear staining), and merged picture of untreated (NT) or IL-15-stimulated control or Tbkbp1-knockdown NKT hybridoma cells. Data are presented as representative images (left) and summary graph of quantified LC3 puncta (right). Scale bar, 5 μm. f Flow cytometric analysis of intracellular Bcl2 expression level in WT or Tbkbp1-KO thymic NKT cells cultured for 2 days with medium control, IL-15, or IL-15 plus the autophagy inhibitor 3MA. g Summary graph of flow cytometric analysis of AnnexinV+ apoptotic cells in enriched thymic NKT cells that were either untreated (NT) or cultured for 1 day with the indicated agents. h, i Co-IP analysis of Tbkbp1-FIP200 (h) or Tbkbp1-Ulk1(i) interaction (upper) and direct IB assays (lower) using lysates of HEK293 cells transfected with the indicated expression vectors. j IB analysis of the indicated proteins in IP samples of control IgG, anti-FIP200, or anti-Ulk1 or direct lysates of NKT hybridoma cells that were stimulated as indicated. k Schematic of Tbkbp1 WT and mutants showing the coiled-coil domains (CCs), TBK-binding domain (TBD), proline-rich domain, and zinc fingers (ZF). l, m Co-IP analysis of Ulk1 binding with the indicated Tbkbp1 mutants (upper) and direct IB assays (lower) using HEK293 cells transfected with Myc-ULk1 along with Tbkbp1 truncation mutants (l) and point mutants (m). n IB analysis of the indicated phosphorylated (P-) or total proteins in whole-cell lysates of Tbkbp1-knockdown NKT hybridoma cells reconstituted with a vector control (Ctrl) or the indicated Tbkbp1 point mutants, stimulated as indicated. Data are representative of three or more independent experiments. **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001. Two-way ANOVA (e), Student’s t-test (g)