Constitutive GIRK activity does not require GABAB receptor activation. A–D, Example current injections (top, 500 ms) and voltage traces (bottom) from GCs using GTP+ (A), GTP− (B), γS (C), or βS (D) before (left) and after (right) CGP55845 (10 μm). E, F, The inverse agonist CGP55845 increased the RMP (E) and input resistance (F) using GTP+ or γS intracellularly. GTP+, n = 12; GTP−, n = 10; γS, n = 6; βS, n = 8. Paired t test: ***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01. G, The number of APs evoked by increasing current injections in basal conditions (black) and after CGP55845 (red) measured over 500 ms. H, Example voltage traces (left, color coded as in A), RMP, and input resistance values (middle), and AP number (right) using the competitive GABAB receptor antagonist CGP35348 (100 μm). Statistical analysis: paired t test, *p < 0.05.