GSCs support G207 true late RNA transcription. (A) Fold increase (log) of ICP4, ICP8, TK, Us11, and gC viral RNAs in relation to GAPDH (calibrator) as measured by qPCR of cDNA from infected GSC8s (n = 2 to 5). (B) Fold increase of ICP27 (IE), TK (E), and gC (TL) RNAs during infection of MGG29 and MGG31 in relation to 2-hpi values measured by qRT-PCR using TaqMan probes (n = 2). (C) Northern blot of whole-cell RNA from GSC4 cells infected with oHSV at an MOI of 2 for 20 h. Glycoprotein C (gC; 2.3 kb) and control (intronless GAPDH; 1.4 kb) were probed using digoxigenin-labeled DNA probes. (D) Fold increase of gC using the ΔΔCT method during G207 or G47Δ infection of GSC8s in relation to the level of the 18S rRNA calibrator gene (n = 1).