Fig. 1.
DIC Micrographs of newly cultured Diphyllatea-like organisms (Asian strains) and C. triciliatum (strain Å85). a KIVTT01. b KIINB. c KIKNR01. d KIVTT02. e KIKNR02. f Å85. g KIVT04. h Å85. i Å85. j KIVT01; scale bar 10 μm. Diphy II is represented in (h & i), whilst Diphy III is represented in (a-e), (g & j). Swimming cells are represented in (b, d, e, i and j). Amoeboid property represented in (c and h). Cell digestion shown in (a and g). Ventral furrow or groove depicted in (d and i). The resting stage or cyst is shown in (f) and is a phase contrast image