Decoys reveal the genetic contributions of redundant F-box genes to the circadian clock. A, Period lengths (as measured by CCA1p::Luciferase activity) for T1 transgenic decoys from ZTL (blue; n = 40), LKP2 (green; n = 38), FKF1 (pink; n = 40), and the wild-type parental line CCA1p::Luciferase (white; n = 38). Gray brackets define individual groups used for statistical testing against the wild-type control using a Welch’s t test with a Bonferroni-corrected α of 2 × 10−3. *, P < α; n.s., P > α. B, Average traces from the wild type (parental CCA1p::Luciferase) and the ZTL, LKP2, and FKF1 decoys.