Table 1.
Completed ocrelizumab in MS trials to date, with details on trial design and significant results
Trial | Phase | Design | Population | Sample Size | Ocrelizumab Dosage | Duration | Outcomes | Adverse Events |
NCT0067671557 | II | Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled | RRMS | 220 | 600 mg (given at 300 mg 2W apart) first cycle, then 600 mg second cycle 2,000 mg (given as 1,000 mg 2W apart) first cycle, then 1,000 mg second cycle | 48 weeks | • 80% and 73% reduction in ARR for 600 mg and 2,000 mg, respectively • 89% and 96% reduction in # of GEL for 600 mg and 2,000 mg, respectively |
• 47%–66% experienced AE • 2% in 600 mg group experienced serious AE vs 4%–6% in 2,000 mg group • 35% and 44% experienced IRR in 600 mg and 2,000 mg, respectively • No opportunistic infections |
OPERA I/II108 | III | Randomized, double-blind, IFNβ-1a controlled | RRMS | 821 + 835 | 600 mg IV Q24W | 96 weeks | • 46% and 47% reduction in ARR • 43% and 37% risk reduction to CDP at 12 and 24 weeks • 94% and 95% reduction in # of GEL • 77% and 83% reduction in # of new/enlarging T2 lesions |
• 83.3% experienced AE • 6.9% serious AE • IRR most common AE (34.3%) • No significant difference to IFN |
ORATORIO110 | III | Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled | PPMS | 732 | 600 mg IV Q24W (given as 300 mg 2W apart) | 120 weeks | • 24% and 25% risk reduction of CDP for 12 and 24 weeks, respectively • 3.4% decrease in T2 lesion volume • 17.5% reduced rate of brain atrophy |
• 20.4% serious AE • IRR most common AE (39.9%) • No significant difference to placebo |
Abbreviations: AE, adverse event; IV, intravenous; ARR, annualized relapse rate; RRMS, relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis; GEL, gadolinium-enhancing lesions; CDP, confirmed disability progression; PPMS, primary-progressive multiple sclerosis; Q24W, every 24 weeks; 2W, 2 weeks; IRR, infusion-related reaction.