Extended Data Fig. 2. Identification of a coronary progenitor niche within the SV.
(a) Gene expression patterns identify cell types in rPCA plots of the venous valve-SV-coronary vessel (CV) continuum. Expression levels are log10 of counts per million reads (CPM) and range from 0 (yellow) to 4 (brown) as indicated. Left panel, n=843 cells, Right panels, n=732 cells. (b and c) Expression patterns in rPCA plots (b) and whole mount confocal immunofluorescence (c) of selected genes. For b, n=732 cells. (d) Overlaying gene expression patterns suggests that the SV has two distinct domains, the SVc (sinus venosus, coronary adjacent) and the SVv (sinus venosus, valve adjacent). (e) rPCA on the valve-SVv-SVc continuum identified specific markers of the SVv and SVc. Solid box, n=732 cells. Dotted box, n=415 cells. (f) In situ hybridization of SVv and SVc markers revealed complementary localization in vivo. (g) Color coding showing subpopulations that were used to calculate average expression levels. CV, coronary vessel; PC, principle component; SVc, sinus venosus-coronary; SVv, sinus venosus-valve. Scale bars: b, 200 μm, e, 30 μm.