Figure 2.
Images of mineral use-wear traces on an archaeological biface from Meyrals (top) and biface BdV 2692 from Bous-des-Vergnes (bottom), both situated in the Dordogne. The white lines demarcate the zones where mineral use wear traces comparable to pyrite are present. The arrows indicates the orientation of striations. The star on the Meyrals bifaces delineates a zone of percussion marks with ambiguous directionalities (a), though the majority open proximally, while the asterisks flanking the star indicate zones of percussion marks that have been truncated by subsequent flake removals (as seen more clearly in the left flake negative in image a). (b,c) High-magnification images of mineral microwear polish and striations showing slightly variable directionalities, possibly indicating at least two use episodes. For BdV 2692, the star on Side A indicates the primary zone of percussion and heavy crushing, though percussion marks are present throughout use zone. (d) High-magnification image of mineral microwear traces within a percussion mark fracture on Side A. (e) High-magnification image of mineral microwear traces with striations showing intersecting directionalities, suggesting more than one use episode on Side B. (f) High-magnification image of mineral microwear traces on flake scar ridge.