Fig. 8.
Blocking RA signaling in steroidogenic cells results in an epididymal phenotype. (A-F) Histology of the caput (A), corpus (B), and cauda (C) from 90 dpp control mice, and cross-section histology of the caput (D), corpus (E) and cauda (F) from 90 dpp mutant mice. (G-L) Histology of the caput (G), corpus (H) and cauda (I) from 180 dpp control mice, and the caput (J), corpus (K) and cauda (L) of 180 dpp mutant mice (n>10 for each genotype). Black arrows indicate increase interstitial cells, red arrows indicate abnormal epithelial cells lining duct, purple arrows indicate missing epithelial cells lining the duct, blue arrows indicate vacuoles and asterisks indicate degenerated duct. Scale bars: 50 μm.