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. 2018 Jul 20;18:750. doi: 10.1186/s12885-018-4653-6

Table 5.

Association of tumoral BRD4 expression with clinicopathologic parameters

Characteristic BRD4/low % BRD4/high % P-value**
(n = 143) (n = 469)
Number Number
Number of Recurrences 16 11.2 68 14.5
Menopausal status
 Pre 30 21.0 172 36.7 0.0018
 Peri 6 4.2 22 4.7
 Post 106 74.1 274 58.4
 ND‡ 1 0.7 1 0.2
Lymphatic Invasion
 Yes 19 13.3 56 12.0 0.6592
 No 123 86.0 411 87.6
 ND‡ 1 0.7 2 0.4
Tumor Size
  < =0.5 cm 3 2.1 6 1.3 0.0049
  > 0.5 to 1 cm 26 18.2 37 7.9
  > 1 to 2 cm 64 44.8 213 45.4
  > 2 to 5 cm 45 31.5 193 41.2
  > 5 cm 4 2.8 19 4.1
 ND‡ 1 0.7 1 0.2
Estrogen receptor
 Positive 87 60.8 302 64.4 0.1249
 Negative/Equivocal 28 19.6 108 23.0
 ND‡ 28 19.6 59 12.6
Progesterone receptor
 Positive 80 55.9 267 56.9 0.0935
 Negative/Equivocal 35 24.5 143 30.5
 ND‡ 28 19.6 59 12.6
Histological grade
 1a 49 34.3 142 30.3 0.1497
 2 53 37.1 157 33.5
 3 25 17.5 127 27.1
 ND‡ 16 11.2 43 9.2
Adjuvant treatment
 Hormonal 70 49.0 193 41.2 0.2223
 Chemotherapy 16 11.2 82 17.5
 Both 4 2.8 13 2.8
 None 52 36.4 180 38.4
 ND‡ 1 0.7 1 0.2
Age (years)
 Mean 58.25 55.14
 SD 10.13 11.86
 Minimum 33.51 25.49
 Maximum 73.82 75.82

‡Unknown, not done or missing

**Chi-square test; ND groups were not used in testing

aIncludes mucinous, lobular and tubular subtypes