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. 2018 Jul 20;18:751. doi: 10.1186/s12885-018-4614-0

Table 3.

Psychosocial and work-related factors of prostate cancer survivors at the beginning of the rehabilitation program with regard to work status at 12-months follow-up (N = 711)

Not returned to work 12 months after the end of the rehabilitation program Returned to work 12 months after the end of the rehabilitation program
N = 93 N = 618
n % M SD n % M SD p-value
Psychosocial well-being, function and symptoms
Anxiety and Depression (HADS)
 Anxiety 93 6.2 4.3 616 5.6 3.8 .149a
 Depression 93 5.4 4.0 617 4.8 3.4 .146a
Quality of Life – functioning (EORTC QLQ-C30)b
 Global health status/ quality of life 93 48.1 22.4 618 53.1 20.6 .032 a
 Physical functioning 93 68.2 20.9 617 72.9 19.0 .031 a
 Role functioning 93 37.1 31.4 615 40.6 33.7 .350a
 Emotional functioning 93 61.0 27.8 615 64.0 24.9 .283a
 Cognitive functioning 93 77.1 26.7 616 78.6 22.8 .547a
 Social functioning 93 50.7 30.0 618 56.1 27.7 .083a
Quality of life – symptoms (EORTC QLQ-PR25)c
 Urinary symptoms 93 48.2 19.5 615 45.7 20.0 .265a
 Bowel symptoms 92 10.4 13.1 614 8.3 11.4 .141a
 Hormonal treatment-related symptoms 92 16.0 13.3 617 14.0 12.2 .143a
 Bother due to use of incontinence aid 73 47.0 35.9 452 42.1 33.5 .249a
Work-related issues and behaviors
Work-related behavior pattern (AVEM)
 Healthy ambitious- Type G 25 26.9 156 25.2 .092d
 Unambitious- Type S 37 39.8 196 31.7
 Excessively unambitious- Risk Type A 14 15.1 112 18.1
 Resigned- Risk Type B 16 17.2 102 16.5
 Unclear 1 1.1 52 8.4
Work-related issues (SIBAR)
 Self-perceived work ability 92 615
 Not able to work (<  3 h/day) 38 41.3 124 20.2 <.001 d
 Limited ability (3–6 h/day) 49 53.3 415 67.5
 Full ability (>  6 h/day) 5 5.4 76 12.4
 Sick leave in the 12 months preceding rehabilitation
 None or up to 5 weeks 55 60.4 499 82.3 <.001 d
 6 weeks or more 36 39.6 107 17.7
 Intention to apply for a disability pension (yes) 39 43.8 124 20.6 <.001 d
 Occupational stress (yes) 22 24.2 76 12.4 .002 d
 Self-perceived capacity to return to the former job and related working tasks
 Probably or definitely yes 55 59.1 532 86.6 <.001 d
 Uncertain 23 24.7 67 10.9
 Probably or definitely no 15 16.1 15 2.4
Effort-reward imbalance (ERI)
 Efforte 89 16.5 5.1 614 15.5 4.4 .094a
 Reward 85 46.4 7.6 591 48.2 6.8 .022 a
 Effort-reward imbalance (cut off ≥1) 12 14.1 48 8.1 .071d

Abbreviations M mean, SD Standard deviation, p-value probability of type I error

Significant p-values are marked in bold

at-test, two-tailed

bscale 0–100 (100 ≅ maximum level of functioning), symptom scales not included in the presented analyses

cscale 0–100 (100 ≅ maximum symptom burden), functioning scales not included in the presented analyses


eanalyses based on the six-item version