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. 2018 Jul 16;373(1754):20170264. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2017.0264

Table 1.

The Late Upper Palaeolithic burials.

site 14C-dating individuals grave features objects references
Arene Candide, cave, Italy VIb: 10 585 ± 55 BP (OxA-11000)
VIII: 10 655 ± 55 BP(OxA-11001)
XII: 10 720 ± 55 BP (OxA-11002)
XIV: 10 735 ± 55 BP (OxA-11003)
X: 11 605 ± 445 BP (GX-16960-A)
XII: 11 510 ± 385 BP (GX-16964-K)
direct dates, Epigravettian
20 (infants, adults both sexes) grave pits, single and double burials, secondary burials, disturbed burials red ochre, perforated red deer canines and shells. 2 pairs of elk antlers [68]
Grotta Romanelli level A: 10 320 ± 130 BP (GrN-2305)
9880 ± 100 BP (GrN-2056)
11,800 ± 600 BP (R-58)
9050 ± 100 BP (R-54)
level B: 11 930 ± 520 BP (R-56)
level C: 9790 ± 80 BP (GrN-2154)
10 390 ± 80 BP (GrN-2153)
level D: 10 640 ± I00 BP (GrN-2055)
final Epigravettian
1 adult male
2 children
Grotta Polesini 10 900 ± 80 BP (R-1265)
14 (MNI)—10 adults, 4 children red ochre on bones, perforated red deer canines, shells [9]
Riparo di Villabruna 10 040 ± 120 BP (R-2022) layer;
12 140 ± 70 BP (KIA-27004)—direct date,
final Epigravettian
Adult, male∼25 years stone block covering, decorated w. red painted geometric motifs
grave pit
Grotta Maritza 13 000–10 000 BP final Epigravettian 1: adult male, partially preserved and articulated
2: 7–8-year-old child—partial skeleton
close to the cave wall flint tools, perforated shells [7,9,12]
Riparo di Tagliente 13 070 ± 70 BP (OxA-3531)
13 270 ± 70 BP (OxA-3532) direct dates,
final Epigravettain
1: adult male
2: child
covered by stone blocks with red ochre, one with engravings (lion) [9,10,12,13]
Riparo di Romito 10 250 ± 450 BP (R-298)
11 150 ± 150 BP (R-300)
4: 11 340 ± 90 (LTL3032A)
5: 10 862 ± 70 (LTL3033A)
9: 13 915 ± 70 (LTL3034A)
9 (MNI) in 7 graves (5 single, 2 double burials) grave pits, stone block with engraving [9,1316]
Grotta Vado all'Arancio ∼ 13 400 BP Epigravettian adult male with 1–2-year-old child in extended position grave pit flint tools and perforated shells [7,12,17]
Grotta dei Fanciulli level C: 11 130 ± 100 BP (GifA-94197) direct date, Epigravettian
level B: younger than 11 000 BP Epigravettian
two infants, 2 and 3 ± 1-year-olds, extended position
adult female, poorly preserved
grave pit

grave pit
several hundred perforated shells on the waist and pelvis area
perforated shells in level, association unclear
Grotta di San Teodoro 12 200 ± 400 BP (charcoal from overlying heath) Epigravettian
12 580 ± 130 BP (ETH-34451) direct date, San Teodoro 1
5 (MNI), 4 male and one female (?) use of red ochre, antler small cobbles [7,13,1820]
Grotta Addaura Caprara 12 890 ± 60 BP (KIA-36055) direct date, Addaura 1 1 adult female [20]
La Madeleine 10 190 ± 100 BP (GifA-95457)
direct date, Azilian
2–4-year-old infant grave pit, stones around the head use of red ochre, perforated shell pendants, 2 perforated deer canines, 2 fox canines [21,22]
Roc de Cave 11 210 ± 140 BP (GifA-95048)
direct date,
late Magdalenian or Azilian
juvenile incomplete skeleton perforated deer teeth necklace [21,23]
Rochereil Azilian (1 + 2?) and probably late Magdalenian (3) 1: male, 40–50 years
2 unknown, fragmented/
3 child skull
red ochre [2426]
Le Peyrat (Saint Rabier) 11 430 ± 140 BP (GifA-99117)
Azilian level
5: adult male red ochre on the bones [27,28]
Los Azules 9540 ± 120 BP (CSIC-260) layer above
9430 ± 120 BP (CSIC-216)–
layer below Azilian
male, 40–50 years grave pit red ochre, painted cobbles, atypical animal remains, shells, harpoons, endscrapers, burins and debitage (tool kit) [2931]
La Paloma
Azilian young child grave pit [31]
Aven des Iboussières 10 210 ± 80 BP (OxA-5628) Fauna from layer 4C)
4 adults 5 children (MNI) fragmentary remains (426 fragments) red ochre on bones (layer 4C), red ochre, flint artefacts, faunal remains within layer, engraved animal bones, fish vertebrae, shells, perforated animal teeth (197 red deer canines), perforated stones and bones within find horizon [3235]
Bonn-Oberkassel 11 570 ± 100 BP (male) (OxA-4790)
12 180 ± 100 BP (female) (OxA-4792) direct dates,
Late Palaeolithic
adult male and female red ochre, domestic dog bone or antler animal figurine, bone pin [4,5,36,37]
Neuwied-Irlich 12 310 ± 120 (OxA-9736)
11 910 ± 70 (OxA-9847)
11 965 ± 65 (OxA-9848)
12 110 ± 90 (UtC-9221) direct dates,
Late Palaeolithic
4 (MNI) adult female (?), 2 infants, 1 neonate red ochre, perforated red deer incisor with carvings on the root, 2 flint tools, 1 antler point [5,38]