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. 2018 Apr 30;59(4):511–520. doi: 10.1093/jrr/rry034

Table 2.

Blending factors that show the zero relative error of the acrylic linear attenuation coefficient (REacrylic), or wMinRE, for each dual-energy cone-beam CT method

Upstream Downstream
Evaluation index p(80,140) pSwitching Splitting pSwitching Splitting
REacrylic = 0 [%] w RE = 0 1.68 0.91 3.80 2.07
CNR w MaxCNR 1.41 0.51 0.18 0.65 0.13
Maximum 16.9 22.3 12.1 15.3 9.92
FoM w MaxFoM 1.63 0.80 0.51 1.11 0.02
Maximum 14.5 20.4 3.45 7.32 0.93
AI w MinAI 1.63 1.48 1.23 1.49 1.06
Minimum 0.08 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03

CNR, FoM and AI had maximum values with blending factors of wMaxCNR, wMaxFoM and wMinAI. wMaxCNR, wMaxFoM or wMinAI are the blending factors that showed maximum CNR, maximum FoM or minimum AI, respectively. p(80,140) = the method imitating the kVp switching method with 80 and 140 kVp, pSwitching = pseudo-switching method, CNR = contrast-to-noise ratio, FoM = figure-of-merit, AI = artifact index.