Figure 4.
Silencing of zinc-sensing receptor ZnR/GPR39 blunts the ZnSO4-induced TNFAIP3 expression and the protective effects of ZnSO4 on phosphate-induced osteoinductive signaling in HAoSMCs. Scatterdot plots and arithmetic means±SEM (n=6; arbitrary units, a.u.) of TNFAIP3 (A), MSX2 (B), CBFA1 (C), and ALPL (D) relative mRNA expression in HAoSMCs after silencing for 48 hours with negative control siRNA ( or GPR39 siRNA (GPR39si) and treatment for 24 hours with control or with β-glycerophosphate (Pi) without or with additional treatment with 15 µM ZnSO4. **P<0.01; ***P<0.001 statistically significant versus silenced HAoSMCs; ††P<0.01; †††P<0.001 statistically significant versus silenced and Pi treated HAoSMCs; §§P<0.01; §§§P<0.001 statistically significant between silenced and GPR39si silenced Pi+ZnSO4 treated HAoSMCs. CTR, control.