(A) Example of one possible form of a general inference–control loop illustrated within a hierarchical Bayesian model. (B) Highly schematic example of illustrating that both interoceptive information and exteroceptive information are concurrently integrated to inform perceptual representations and action selection with respect to internally directed (e.g., visceromotor, autonomic) and externally directed (e.g., skeletomotor) actions. (C) General nodes that comprise a peripheral and central neural circuit for hierarchically integrating afferent interoceptive information into homeostatic reflexes, sensory and meta-cognitive representations, and allostatic regulators (predictions). ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; AIC, anterior insular cortex; MC, metacognitive layer; MIC, midinsular cortex; OFC, orbitofrontal cortex; PE, prediction error; PIC, posterior insular cortex; SGC, subgenual cortex. [Panels (A) and (B) reproduced, with permission, from Petzschner et al. (37). Panel (C) adapted, with permission, from Stephan et al. (36).]