Figure 2. Cytokinetic variation in the temporal requirement for forminCYK-1, but not myosin IINMY-2, in individual blastomeres of the four-cell embryo.
(A) Schematic of the experimental protocol for the temporal functional requirement assay in which four-cell stage embryos were upshifted from permissive (16°C) to restrictive temperature (26°C) at defined time points relative to anaphase onset in each individual blastomere, then held at 26°C throughout cytokinesis. (B) Graphs showing the cytokinetic outcome for control, myosin-IInmy-2(ts), and formincyk-1(ts) mutant embryos upshifted from 16°C to 26°C at different times during cell division. The cytokinetic outcome of each cell is plotted as a percent of the total number of cells upshifted to 26°C at that time relative to anaphase onset. AO = anaphase onset (magenta dashed line); C = approximate time of contractile ring closure at 16°C (dark blue dashed line); n ≥ 57 for each cell type (see Supplementary file 1).