Fig. 4.
Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes of O. neapolitana compared to other coccolithophore species. Atmospheric pCO2 vs. Δ13CPIC (a), Δ13CPOC (b), and Δ18OPIC (c) for O. neapolitana (black solid circles) and other coccolithophore species. Δ18OPIC and most Δ13CPOC data for O. neapolitana fall within the range reported for other species, with Δ13CPIC being markedly higher. Offsets may be attributable to differences in species and/or method of acidification, as most past studies manipulate seawater pH via acid–base addition (labeled in gray), while the present study varied seawater pH via CO2 gas manipulation. Both the trends and absolute values of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes of O. neapolitana are compatible with the framework recently proposed by McClelland et al.52, as expanded on in Fig. 5 and the main text