Fig. 4.
The 33 cages that formed cleanly in this high-throughput study. Tri2Di3 cages are shown with orange carbons, Tri4Di6 with maroon, and Tri4Tri4 with teal. Remaining atom colouring is as follows; oxygen (red), bromine (brown), boron (pink), silicon and sulphur (yellow), and nitrogen (blue). Hydrogens are omitted. All structures are derived from computational predictions. For cages C20 and C21, Tri2Di3 cages were formed as shown, rather than the predicted Tri4Di6 cages. All other cages formed the predicted, targeted topology. Supplementary Fig. 4 shows structures for cages that were identified by solution analysis, but that were either impure or showed incomplete conversion of the starting materials. Supplementary Fig. 3 shows the computed structures for cages that did not form by experiment (red squares in Fig. 3c)