Figure 3.
An example of correlated finding of an isolated, focal micro calcification in the internal elastic lamina (IEL). (A) Tomographic cross-sectional image of the intact coronary segment shows a bright dot in mid-wall as outlined in square. Scalebar is 1 mm. (B) Histological image of the section at the same level in low magnification shows a faint brown stain at the same location outlined in square. Scalebar is 1 mm. (C) Magnified view of the outlined area in panel A shows a bright (high density) dot. Scalebar is 100 µm. (D) Magnified view of the corresponding area in the histological image shows a focal calcification at the same location, which appears dark brown by the von Kossa stain. Scalebar is 100 µm. (E) Further magnification of the histological image shows the location of the micro-calcification in the IEL. Scalebar is 25 µm.