Associations between antinuclear antibodies (ANA) and selected individual
medications. Each solid circle represents a covariate-adjusted estimate of an
odds ratio for medication use in a logistic regression model for ANA prevalence,
and each horizontal line represents its 95% confidence interval (CI). An
arrowhead signifies that a CI extends beyond the plot limits. Black circles and
lines indicate that the number of ANA-positive medication users (D+) was
at least 10; gray indicates that D+ was at least 5 but less than 10; and
analyses with D+ less than 5 are labeled as having insufficient data.
The medication-use variable indicates whether a participant reported using the
medication of interest, either alone or in combination with other medications,
during the month before the NHANES interview. All analyses were adjusted for the
sampling design; a linear covariate for age; and categorical covariates for sex
(if not stratified on sex), race/ethnicity, and body mass index. Participants
who were pregnant, under age 18 years, or had missing data were excluded. All
results were derived from Type A analyses, which compared using the medication
of interest (and possibly other medications) with not using that medication (but
possibly using other medications). Separate analyses were performed for all
participants and for sex and age subgroups.