Over-expression of BnAHAS1544T increases TBM-resistance in Arabidopsis. (A) Phenotypes of plants treated with 0 and 0.007 mg⋅L-1 tribenuron-methly (TBM). WT and WT∗ represent wild type plants treated with 0 and 0.007 mg⋅L-1 TBM, respectively. OE-12-9 and OE-12-9∗ indicate transgenic lines treated with 0 and 0.007 mg⋅L-1 TBM, respectively. (B) Pollens viability of Arabidopsis plants. 1 and 2, wild type plants treated with 0 and 0.007 mg⋅L-1 TBM, respectively; 3 and 4, transgenic line OE-12-9 treated with 0 and 0.007 mg⋅L-1 TBM, respectively; bars = 50 μm. (C) Over-expression level of BnAHAS1544T in WT and OE-12-9 plants.