Table 1. qHyper-CEST results of Xe exchange kinetic and binding parameters for three Xe–host systems: CrA in DMSO, CrA in water and CB6 in water (at T = 295 K). Listed parameters are: the solvent, the Xe concentration in this solvent, [Xe] (determined by the Xe Ostwald solubility coefficient), the Xe host molecule, the host molecule concentration, [host], the relative chemical shift between free and bound Xe, Δδ, the ratio of bound and free Xe, fB, the Xe exchange rate, kBA, the Xe host occupancy, β, the Xe binding (association) constant, KA, the host concentration occupied by Xe, [hostocc] = β[host], and the host system efficiency for Hyper-CEST detection in terms of the maximal 129Xe depolarization rate per μM host concentration at a given Xe concentration (the gas turnover rate, β kBA).
Solvent | [Xe] a (μM) | host | [hosttot] (μM) | Δδ (ppm) | f B (10–4) | k BA (s–1) | β b (%) | K A c (M–1) | [hostocc] (μM) | β k BA (% s–1) |
Water | 390 | CB6 | 3.4 | –96.1 ± 0.1 | 43 ± 1 | 2100 ± 300 | 49 | 2500 ± 400 | 1.7 | 1029 |
Water | 390 | CrA | 11 | –132.06 ± 0.02 | 70 ± 11 | 38 ± 6 | 29 | 850 ± 250 | 3.2 | 11 |
DMSO | 2340 | CrA | 50 | –166.37 ± 0.04 | 18 ± 1 | 250 ± 130 | 9 | 38 ± 4 | 4.5 | 23 |