Amyloid seeding of monomeric TTR by ex vivo ATTR-D38A seeds under physiological conditions. (A) Amyloid seeding assay followed by ThT fluorescence. ATTR-D38A ex vivo seeds (30 ng/μL) were added to recombinant wild-type (rec, WT) TTR or MTTR at pH 4.3 or 7.4, as labeled. All replicates are shown; n = 4. a.u., arbitrary units. (B) Absorbance at 280 nm of insoluble fractions collected from A. The dashed line marks the initial protein concentration (0.5 mg/mL). Error bars indicate SD. n = 3. AU, absorbance units. (Bottom Insets) Anti–His-tag immuno-dot blot of insoluble fractions. (C) Electron micrographs of MTTR aggregates obtained at pH 4.3 and pH 7.4. (Scale bars, 200 nm.)