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. 2018 Jul;43(4):355–364.

appendix II.

Quality assessment form (modified form of STROBE)

Items Yes=1 No=0 Unclear=0
Abstract 1. Clearly defined study design and main results of the study
Objectives 2. State specific objectives, including any prespecified hypotheses
Study design 3. Present key elements of study design early in the paper
Setting 4. Describe the setting
5. Locations
6. Including periods of recruitment
7. Case definition/ exposure
Participants 8. Give the eligibility criteria
9. The sources and methods for the selection of participants
10. Describe methods of follow-up/ Give the rationale for the choice of cases and controls
11. For matched studies, give matching criteria and the number of exposed and unexposed/ controls per case
Variables 12. Clearly define all outcomes
13. Clearly define potential confounders and effect modifiers
Data sources/measurement 14. Give sources of data and details of methods of assessment
Bias 15. Address potential sources of bias
Study size 16. Explain how the study size was derived
Statistical methods 17. Describe all statistical methods
18. Including those used to control for confounding
19. If applicable, explain how lost to follow-up/matching of cases and controls was addressed
20. Describe any sensitivity analyses