appendix II.
Quality assessment form (modified form of STROBE)
Items | Yes=1 | No=0 | Unclear=0 | |
Abstract | 1. Clearly defined study design and main results of the study | |||
Objectives | 2. State specific objectives, including any prespecified hypotheses | |||
Study design | 3. Present key elements of study design early in the paper | |||
Setting | 4. Describe the setting | |||
5. Locations | ||||
6. Including periods of recruitment | ||||
7. Case definition/ exposure | ||||
Participants | 8. Give the eligibility criteria | |||
9. The sources and methods for the selection of participants | ||||
10. Describe methods of follow-up/ Give the rationale for the choice of cases and controls | ||||
11. For matched studies, give matching criteria and the number of exposed and unexposed/ controls per case | ||||
Variables | 12. Clearly define all outcomes | |||
13. Clearly define potential confounders and effect modifiers | ||||
Data sources/measurement | 14. Give sources of data and details of methods of assessment | |||
Bias | 15. Address potential sources of bias | |||
Study size | 16. Explain how the study size was derived | |||
Statistical methods | 17. Describe all statistical methods | |||
18. Including those used to control for confounding | ||||
19. If applicable, explain how lost to follow-up/matching of cases and controls was addressed | ||||
20. Describe any sensitivity analyses | ||||
Total |