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. 2018 Apr 25;8(2):2045894018776518. doi: 10.1177/2045894018776518

Table 2.

Procedure-related data before and after gradual balloon dilatation of the atrial septum, in nine patients after trans-septal puncture by the Brockenbrough technique.

Patient no. AS needle (Yes/No) Procedure (min) Fluoroscopy (min) + VAT Balloon size max. (mm) RAP- pre (mmHg) RAP-post (mmHg) PCWP/LAP- pre (mmHg) LAP-post (mmHg) SaO2 - post (%) R/L-shunt at rest (Yes/No/Bi) Subsequent treatment AS clinical effect
1 Yes 128 14 12 13 11 6 8 90 Yes S, SP, B Short; Stent*
2 Yes 91 10 8 3 2 3 3 98 No S, A No syncope
3 Yes 281 46 12 6 7 8 5 92 Bi S, SP, B, I + Prd Resusc in Cath.
4 Yes 172 11 10 5 6 5 8 97 No S, SP, A No syncope
5 Yes 178 27 14 23 21 14 14 82 Yes S, SP, A, B Transient, Potts-S
6 Yes 176 19 8 8 11 4 9 93 Bi S, SP, B No syncope
7 Yes 196 16 8 12 12 12 12 95 Bi S, SP, I No syncope
8 No 155 15 8 3 3 3 6 90 Bi S, SP, I, A No PHC
9 Yes 14 21 20 55 Yes S, SP, I, B ASD-Occl 12 mm
10 Yes 210 31 10 4 4 7 7 90 Bi S, SP, A, Ambrisentan No syncope
11 No 159 9 6 6 5 9 10 99 No S, A No PHC
Mean 174.6 19.8 10 9.5 8.2 7.1 9.3 89.2
SD (+/-) 47.8 11 2.6 6.7 5.4 3.5 4.5 11.7
Min 91 9 6 3 2 3 3 55
Max 281 46 14 23 21 14 20 99
Median 174 15 10 6 6.5 6.5 8 92

IAS stenting

A, amlodipine; AS, atrioseptostomy; ASD, atrial septum defect; B, Bosentan; Bi, bidirectional shunt; I, Iloprost; LAP, left atrial pressure; Occl, occluder; PCWP, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; PHC, pulmonary hypertensive crisis; Potts-S, Potts-shunt; Prd, prednisolone; RAP, right atrial pressure; Resusc, resuscitation; R/L, right/left shunt; S, sildenafil; SaO2, arterial oxygen saturation; Sp, spironolactone;