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. 2018 Jun 18;133(4):442–451. doi: 10.1177/0033354918777254

Table 2.

Fifteen most common principal diagnoses among patients hospitalized with HIVa and percentage of primary and secondary hospitalizations, by year, Illinois, 2008-2014b

Rank 2008 (n = 10 802) 2009 (n = 10 741) 2010 (n = 10 806) 2011 (n = 10 432) 2012 (n = 9753) 2013 (n = 9204) 2014 (n = 9229)
Condition % Condition % Condition % Condition % Condition % Condition % Condition %
1 HIV infection 19.4 HIV infection 17.0 HIV infection 15.2 HIV infection 13.3 HIV infection 13.7 HIV infection 14.7 HIV infection 14.6
2 Mood disorders 9.4 Substance-related disorders 9.1 Substance-related disorders 10.1 Substance-related disorders 8.7 Mood disorders 8.7 Mood disorders 8.6 Mood disorders 8.6
3 Substance-related disorders 8.0 Mood disorders 8.4 Mood disorders 7.3 Mood disorders 8.5 Substance-related disorders 8.0 Substance-related disorders 5.4 Substance-related disorders 4.8
4 Schizophrenia 4.0 Pneumonia 4.2 Schizophrenia 4.6 Schizophrenia 4.8 Schizophrenia 4.5 Schizophrenia 4.2 Schizophrenia 4.2
5 Pneumonia 4.5 Schizophrenia 4.0 Pneumonia 4.1 Pneumonia 4.1 Pneumonia 3.8 Pneumonia 3.7 Septicemia 3.5
6 Septicemia 1.8 Skin infection 2.5 Skin infection 2.4 Skin infection 2.9 Septicemia 3.0 Septicemia 3.1 Pneumonia 3.0
7 Skin infection 2.6 Complications device 1.8 Septicemia 2.4 Septicemia 2.5 Skin infection 2.3 Skin infection 2.1 Skin infection 2.1
8 Complications device 1.6 Septicemia 1.8 CHF (non–high blood pressure) 2.0 CHF (non–high blood pressure) 1.8 Alcohol-related disorders 1.7 Complications device 1.9 CHF (non–high blood pressure) 2.0
9 CHF (non–high blood pressure) 1.6 CHF (non–high blood pressure) 1.7 Complications device 1.8 Complications device 1.8 COPD 1.6 Acute renal failure 1.7 Alcohol-related disorders 1.8
10 Alcohol-related disorders 1.4 Alcohol-related disorders 1.6 Fluid/electrolyte disorders 1.6 Alcohol-related disorders 1.6 CHF (non–high blood pressure) 1.6 Asthma 1.6 Complications device 1.8
11 Fluid/electrolyte disorders 1.4 Fluid/electrolyte disorders 1.5 Asthma 1.5 Fluid/electrolyte disorders 1.6 Complications device 1.5 Fluid/electrolyte disorders 1.6 Fluid/electrolyte disorders 1.8
12 Asthma 1.3 Chest pain 1.4 Chest pain 1.5 COPD 1.6 Acute renal failure 1.4 Alcohol-related disorders 1.5 COPD 1.6
13 COPD 0.9 Pancreas disorders 1.3 Alcohol-related disorders 1.5 Asthma 1.5 Chest pain 1.3 COPD 1.4 Asthma 1.6
14 Chest pain 1.6 COPD 1.2 COPD 1.4 Maintenance chemotherapy or radiotherapy 1.4 Fluid/electrolyte disorders 1.3 CHF (non–high blood pressure) 1.4 Maintenance chemotherapy or radiotherapy 1.5
15 Acute renal failure 0.8 Hypertension complications 1.2 Acute renal failure 1.1 Chest pain 1.3 Asthma 1.2 Chest pain 1.3 Acute renal failure 1.5

Abbreviations: CHF, congestive heart failure; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder.

a Includes principal and secondary HIV hospitalizations. Principal HIV hospitalizations are hospitalizations with a principal diagnostic code (ie, the first-listed diagnosis) with International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) HIV codes 042, 079.53, or 795.71 indicating that a patient was hospitalized because of a complication of HIV infection.11 Secondary HIV hospitalizations are hospitalizations with an ICD-9-CM HIV code as any nonprincipal diagnostic code.

b Excluded were 332 hospitalizations for which the patient’s ZIP code indicated that the patient did not reside in Illinois. Data sources: Illinois Department of Public Health hospital discharge data10 and Illinois HIV surveillance data 2008-2014.13