Exogenous expression of LmCOX4 in LACK/− L. major promotes virulence in macrophages. The L. major lines described in Fig. 5 were used in macrophage infection assays of parasite intracellular burden as indicated and detailed in Experimental procedures.
A. Intracellular parasites per 100 macrophages were enumerated at 16 (left panel) and 96 (right panel) hours postinfection.
B. The percent of infected macrophages was measured at 16 (left panel) and 96 (right panel) hours postinfection. For each experiment, at least 300 macrophages in > 20 fields were analyzed. Data are displayed as a mean; error bars represent SEM (n = 2). *P< 0.05. Parasite lines used for these experiments were derived from a pool of uncloned transfectants.