Fig. 5.
Interaction of auxin and NF pathways on LRF in M. truncatula. Dose–response effects of the auxin analog 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) (10‒8 M to 10‒6 M) on the LR density (ratio of LRs formed per cm of primary root) of seedlings of (A) wild-type (A17) plants and (B) the NF perception mutant nfp-2, in the absence (dark grey) or presence (light grey) of 10‒8 M NFs for 8 d. Data are the mean numbers of emerged LRs observed for 38 to 55 seedlings for each treatment. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean. Different letters correspond to significantly different groups as determined by a Kruskal–Wallis test and post hoc van Waerden normal scores test for multiple comparisons (with a Benjamini Hodchberg correction) (P<0.05). An ANOVA comparing the NF+NAA additive model to a NF*NAA interaction model for LR density, followed by a post hoc Tukey test, found a significant difference (i.e non-additivity) with a P-value <0.05.