Impact of CSU on HRQoL, sleep and daily activities, overall and by angioedema classification. (A) CU‐Q2oL total and domain scores. Different CU‐Q2oL scale scores are used in Germany than in Canada, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK. German CU‐Q2oL overall score and scale scores are presented in Figure S2; (B) DLQI total score; (C) DLQI domain scores; (D) Interference with sleep and interference with daily activities over a week, as reported on the Urticaria Patient Daily Diary, by angioedema classification. For all scores, a higher score means higher impairment. *P < .001 (Yes—angioedema vs No—angioedema); **P < .05 (Yes—angioedema vs No—angioedema). Patients who fell into the misaligned category were not included in the statistical comparisons. CU‐Q2oL, Chronic Urticaria Quality of Life Questionnaire; DLQI, Dermatology Life Quality Index; HRQoL, health‐related quality of life; SD, standard deviation. [Colour figure can be viewed at]