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. 2018 Aug;24(8):1490–1496. doi: 10.3201/eid2408.171030

Table 1. Unadjusted relationship between significant bacteriuria and sociodemographic, clinical, and environmental characteristics for pregnant women in Hyderabad, India*.

All respondents, 
N = 1,836
>105 CFU/mL bacteria in urine, n = 126
No bacteria in urine, n = 1,710
p value
Sociodemographic characteristics
Mean age, y (SD) 21.81 (2.95) 22.05 (3.02) 21.79 (2.94) 0.35
Mean age at marriage, y (SD) 20.31 (2.87) 20.29 (3.22) 20.31 (2.84) 0.93
Low income, no. (%)† 932 (50.8) 75 (60.0) 857 (50.2) 0.04
Less than secondary education, no. (%)‡ 322 (17.5) 23 (18.4) 299 (17.5) 0.81
Hindu, no. (%)§
1,228 (66.9)
72 (57.6)
1,156 (67.8)
Clinical characteristics, no. (%)
Anemia 631 (33.6) 48 (38.4) 583 (34.2) 0.38
Low weight of mother 862 (46.5) 61 (48.8) 801 (47.0) 0.78
Previous abortion 288 (15.6) 18 (14.4) 270 (15.8) 0.80
Previous hospitalization¶ 159 (8.7) 13 (10.4) 146 (8.6) 0.51
Tablet during last 30 days# 47 (2.6) 5 (4.0) 42 (2.5) 0.25
Dysuria** 220 (12.0) 16 (12.8) 204 (12.0) 0.78
84 (4.6)
5 (4.0)
79 (4.6)
Environmental and hygiene-related characteristics, no. (%)
Household does not treat water 1,339 (72.9) 93 (74.4) 1,246 (73.0) 0.92
Household sewage not piped 90 (4.9) 8 (6.4) 82 (4.8) 0.39
Respondent strictly vegetarian 142 (7.7) 8 (6.4) 134 (7.9) 0.73
Handwashing <5 times/d 345 (18.8) 26 (20.8) 319 (18.7) 0.64

*Bold indicates statistical significance. p values were derived from t-test (for mean age variables) or χ2 test (for categorical variables). CFU, colony-forming units.
†Income is total household income in previous 30 d; low income is an indicator variable for below the 50th percentile of income. 
‡Less than secondary education is an indicator variable for whether the participant reported no schooling or primary-only schooling.
§Hindu is an indicator variable for Hindu religion. 
¶Hospitalization in the previous 12 mo. 
#Tablet means any tablet other than a vitamin taken by the respondent in the 30 d before interview. We used the term “tablet” because “antimicrobial” was unclear for many respondents. 
**For dysuria, an answer of “don't know” was coded as 0 (no).