Effect of solid state cultivated T. harzianum UBSTH-501 on mineral content in ripe tomato fruits at harvest. (A) N content, (B) P content, (C) K content, (D) Ca content, (E) Mg content, (F) Fe content, (G) Zn content, (H) Mn content, and (I) Na content. Treatments: 1- Control (untreated), 2- Fresh SMS, 3- Earthworm grazed SMS, 4- T. harzianum UBSTH-501 biofortified SMS, and 5- Earthworm grazed and T. harzianum UBSTH-501 biofortified SMS. Data are means (n = 5) and vertical bars represent standard error of means. Different letters above columns show significant difference in randomized block design test at p < 0.05 under Duncan’s multiple range test.