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. 2018 May 2;31(3):e00062-17. doi: 10.1128/CMR.00062-17


Roles and responsibilities for personnel

Document(s) and/or activity(ies) Role(s) and/or responsibility(ies)
Institution Microbiology laboratory management Microbiology staff
Educational and professional qualifications Request and maintain up-to-date records Request and maintain up-to-date records Provide proof of education and professional qualifications
Request and maintain copies of transcript or diploma
Copy of certification or license Maintain up-to-date records for each staff member Request and maintain copies from each staff member and acknowledge receipt Provide copy and record of annual renewal
Previous work experience Request and maintain records at the time of hiring Request and maintain records of previous work experience at the time of hiring Provide documentation of work experience
Job description Establish job description standards Contribute to the creation of microbiology job descriptions Perform job responsibilities as described
Assign job descriptions to each staff member
Introduction of new staff to the laboratory environment Create and maintain records of orientation to the institution Develop the orientation program for the microbiology laboratory Participate in the orientation of new laboratory staff
Orient new staff to the microbiology laboratory (e.g., checklist orientation)
Maintain records of microbiology orientation
Evaluate effectiveness of the orientation plan
Training in current job tasks Review assessments as needed Contribute to the development of the training program Competently complete training in current job tasks
Maintain records of training
Create and update training checklist for each job task
Evaluate its effectiveness
Competency assessments Review assessments as needed Create competency assessments for microbiology personnel Complete competency assessments for assigned job
Evaluate testing personnel for their competency for their assigned job tasks in the laboratory Retrain where weaknesses are noted
Maintain records of competency assessments
Records of continuing education and achievements Review records as needed
Provide resources for continuing-education opportunities for employees
Facilitate educational activities and achievements
Maintain records of continuing education and achievements
Establish personnel competencies where continuing education and training may be appropriate
Identify gaps and interests in microbiology
Request continuing professional and education development program activities
Provide documentation of achievements
Evaluate effectiveness of continuing-education programs
Reviews of staff performance Maintain documentation of staff performance Conduct staff performance reviews Participate in peer or manager performance review as applicable
Maintain documentation of staff performance
Reports of accidents and exposure to occupational hazards Maintain individual records of accident and exposure for human resources and/or occupational health Maintain records of accidents and exposures Report any incidents or exposures to microbiology laboratory management and occupational health
Complete an incident report for any laboratory accident or exposure
Track accidents or exposures and retrain employees where applicable
Immunization status, relevant to assigned duties Maintain individual records in human resources and/or occupational health records Ensure that laboratory staff are aware of pertinent vaccines, such as Neisseria meningitidis or hepatitis B vaccines Maintain immunization status per institutional policies
Require evidence of vaccination where applicable to the task