CES-D Score (0–60) |
7.30 (9.24) |
Urbanization rate (0–1) |
0.52 (0.20) |
Neighborhood-level social capital |
Neighborhood social trust (0–1) |
0.78 (0.12) |
Neighborhood social reciprocity (0–1) |
0.48 (0.23) |
Neighborhood social group membership (0–9) |
0.08 (0.15) |
Gender |
Male |
48% |
Female |
52% |
Age |
44.83 (14.61) |
Marital status |
Single, divorced, or widowed |
19% |
Married and living with spouse |
73% |
Married but not living with spouse |
8% |
Educational attainment |
Primary school or less |
35% |
High school |
52% |
College or more |
13% |
Employment |
Employed |
95% |
Unemployed |
5% |
Hukou status |
Local hukou
91% |
Non-local hukou
9% |
Urban/rural areas |
Urban areas |
35% |
Rural areas |
65% |
Smoking status |
Smoker |
27% |
Non-smoker |
73% |
Alcohol use |
Yes |
19% |
No |
81% |
Medical insurance |
Yes |
90% |
No |
10% |
Physical health status |
Disease |
11% |
No disease |
89% |
Physical exercise time (minutes per week) |
97.51 (267.95) |
Individual-level social capital |
Trust in neighbors |
Neighbors are extremely/very trustworthy |
78% |
Neighbors are somewhat/slightly/not at all trustworthy |
22% |
Neighbors are helpful |
Neighbors always/often help one another |
48% |
Neighbors sometimes/seldom/never help one another |
52% |
Number of voluntary group types |
0.08 (0.37) |
Average annual household income per household member (CNY) |
17,991.68 (202,477.08) |
Average annual neighborhood income per neighborhood resident (CNY) |
17,814.06 (3.22) |