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. 2018 Jul 23;16:70. doi: 10.1186/s12958-018-0389-z

Table 4.

Countries Where Women Significantly Outnumber Men in Higher Educationa

No. Country F/M Ratio % More Women than Men in Higher Education
1. Albania 1.39865994 40%
2. Algeria 1.55961001 56%
3. Argentina 1.61947 62%
4. Armenia 1.12863004 13%
5. Aruba 2.26302004 126%
6. Australia 1.40989006 41%
7. Austria 1.20158994 20%
8. Bahrain 1.92068005 92%
9. Belarus 1.32676005 33%
10. Belgium 1.31350005 31%
11. Belize 1.60633004 61%
12. Bermuda 2.31813002 132%
13. Botswana 1.43773997 44%
14. Brazil 1.39809 40%
15. Canadab 1.29524887 30%
16. Chile 1.13678002 14%
17. China 1.18620002 19%
18. Colombia 1.16246998 16%
19. Costa Rica 1.30727994 31%
20. Croatia 1.35680997 36%
21. Cuba 1.42532003 43%
22. Czech Republic 1.40742004 41%
23. Estonia 1.53139997 53%
24. Finland 1.20589006 21%
25. France 1.22571003 23%
26. Georgia 1.21904004 22%
27. Guyana 2.03288007 103%
28. Hong Kong SAR, China 1.16025996 16%
29. Hungary 1.25191998 25%
30. Iceland 1.71160996 71%
31. Indonesia 1.1243 12%
32. Ireland 1.09338999 9%
33. Israel 1.3829 38%
34. Italy 1.35718 36%
35. Jamaica 1.72571003 73%
36. Jordan 1.11230004 11%
37. Kazakhstan 1.23714995 24%
38. Kuwait 1.61944997 62%
39. Latvia 1.42805004 43%
40. Lebanon 1.15689003 16%
41. Lithuania 1.46904004 47%
42. Luxembourg 1.13515997 14%
43. Macao SAR, China 1.32536995 33%
44. Macedonia, FYR 1.24822998 25%
45. Malaysia 1.52705002 53%
46. Malta 1.37038004 37%
47. Mongolia 1.38279998 38%
48. Myanmar 1.22817004 23%
49. Netherlands 1.10478997 10%
50. New Zealand 1.35090995 35%
51. Norway 1.45779002 46%
52. Palau 1.54859996 55%
53. Panama 1.49242997 49%
54. Philippines 1.28163004 28%
55. Poland 1.52178001 52%
56. Portugal 1.13217998 13%
57. Puerto Rico 1.40998995 41%
58. Romania 1.23240995 23%
59. Russian Federation 1.21165001 21%
60. Serbia 1.33327997 33%
61. Slovak Republic 1.54595995 55%
62. Slovenia 1.44420004 44%
63. South Africa 1.48450994 48%
64. Spain 1.17773998 18%
65. Sri Lanka 1.53942001 54%
66. St. Lucia 1.90204 90%
67. Sweden 1.52547002 53%
68. Syrian Arab Republic 1.13739002 14%
69. Thailand 1.41378999 41%
70. Tunisia 1.65129006 65%
71. Ukraine 1.15558004 16%
72. United Kingdom 1.30744004 31%
73. United States 1.36754 37%

aBased on the most recent World Bank data available from 2012 to 2016, as collected by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Institute for Statistics.

bStatistics Canada.