Figure 2.
Distribution of QTL for each FA and oil content in each linkage group. The entire graph consists of 16 circles. From the inside to outside, the first 14 circles represent the 14 breeding microenvironments, it contains seven winter type of 08DL to 14YL, two spring type of 10GS and 11GS and five semi-winter type of 11WH to 11 HG, identified QTL for the nine traits located in each circle and indicated by different colors. The fifteenth circle with blue background represents the region includes consensus QTL for each trait and the gray spokes highlight the region of unique QTL. The outermost circle represents the 19 linkage groups of B. napus and they also distinguished by different colors. The abbreviation of PA, SA, OA, LA, ALA, EIA, EA, FAS, and OC represents the traits of C16:0, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2, C18:3, C20:1, C22:1, FAS, and oil content, respectively.