Fig. 2.
Direct visualization of Abp1 binding to actin filaments. a Domain layouts of yeast Abp1 and Abp1-SNAP proteins. b Representative step photobleaching of a streptavidin-anchored Abp1-SNAP-biotin-649 molecule. Plot shows fluorescence intensity over time. Inset shows montage of images (1.6 × 1.6 µm) for the same spot analyzed in the plot. c Fraction of Abp1-SNAP-biotin-649 molecules (introduced at 10 pM during anchoring) that photobleached in one vs. two steps (>2 photobleaching steps was never observed) from analysis as in (b). Mean fractions from 4 separate trials with total of n = 448 spots. Error bars, s.e.m. d Montage of labeled Abp1-SNAP-649 (magenta) binding to anchored OG-labeled actin filaments (cyan) over time (arrow, 50 s intervals). Scale bar, 5 µm. e Concentration-dependent Abp1-SNAP-649 binding to OG-labeled actin filaments as indicated by increasing fluorescence intensity on filaments (normalized to filament length). Data averaged from n = 10 filaments per concentration of Abp1-SNAP-649. Error bars, s.d. f Distribution of Abp1-SNAP-649 fluorescence on an actin filament at different time points, showing that intensity increases all along the length of the filament over time. g Two representative montages (0.25 s intervals) showing dynamic interactions (yellow arrows) of Abp1-SNAP-649 (magenta) molecules on tethered OG-labeled actin filaments (cyan). h Distribution of lifetimes of Abp1-SNAP-649 molecules on OG-labeled actin filaments analyzed from n = 200 binding events. Average lifetime, <t>, with s.e.m.