Figure 2.
NSG-S mice enhanced the engraftment of human patients’ acute myeloid leukemia (AML) samples more than NSG mice (non-NSG engrafted patients’ samples were used). (A) Levels of hCD45+CD33+ leukemia blasts in bone marrow (BM), spleen (SPL) and peripheral blood (PB) of NSG or NSG-S mice (n=14) injected with the same number of AML cells. (B) Individual mouse BM and SPL leukemia burdens of 11 out of the 14 mice from (A) are shown. (C) Receptor densities (CD116, CD117 and CD123) on AML cells of the 7 non-NSG-S engrafters and 14 NSG-S engrafters were assessed as number of receptors per cell. (D) Establishment of 8 inv(16) AML patient-derived xenotransplant models in NSG-S mice. (E) The chromosomal abnormalities for inv(16) were confirmed in the BM of engrafted NSG-S mice by fluorescent in situ hybridization (left panels) and breakpoint reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (right panel).