Figure 7.
Immunohistochemical Results for ISO Versus ISO/3AB (Summative Data)
Effects of ISO on regional accumulation of 3-NT, PAR, and TXNIP in left ventricular myocardium with 3AB (ISO/3AB) and without (ISO). (A) 3-NT, showing mean values at apex and base. Two-way ANOVA: 3AB, p = 0.44; apex/base, p = 0.17; and interaction, p = 0.18. (B) PAR mean values at apex and base. Two-way ANOVA: 3AB, p = 0.0001; apex/base, p = 0.0043; and interaction, p = 0.86. (C) TXNIP mean values at apex and base. Two-way ANOVA: 3AB, p < 0.0001; apex/base, p = 0.57; and interaction, p = 0.26. Two slides were analyzed per rat (apex and base); values are mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05. Abbreviations as in Figures 3 and 6.