Expression of CDC14A in the mouse inner ear and zebrafish lateral line. (A) Endogenous CDC14A (green) is localized to the upper third of IHC stereocilia (red), near the tips of OHC stereocilia (red) and along the length of kinocilia (arrowheads) in mouse auditory (three left columns) and vestibular (right column) hair cells at P4. (B) Biolistically transfected pAcGFP-CDC14A mimics endogenous localization of CDC14A in hair cells, accumulating in kinocilia (arrowheads) and near tips of stereocilia (arrows). Expression of pAcGFP-N1 vector control fills the hair cell body, stereocilia and kinocilium. (C) Zebrafish CDC14AA is also localized along kinocilia (arrowhead and depicted in adjacent drawing) of neuromast hair cells. (D) In the organ of Corti (left) and vestibular sensory epithelium of the utricle and ampule (right), X-gal staining for β-galactosidase activity reporting CDC14A shows expression in spiral ganglion, lamina spiralis ossea, supporting cells, and hair cells. Scale bars, 5 μm in (A–C) and 500 μm in (D).