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. 2017 Mar 22;109(8):djw323. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djw323

Table 4.

Brief guidelines for reporting propensity score analysis

Section/topic Item No.* Recommendation
Title and abstract 1 Indicate the use of propensity analysis with a commonly used term in the title or the abstract
Bias 9 Describe how propensity score analysis was used to address bias
Statistical analyses 12 Describe all the analytic methods, including the propensity score methods, eg, PSM, PSW, PSS, CAPS
13 Indicate the model used to estimate propensity score
14 State the variables included in the propensity score model
15 Explain the variable selection procedure for propensity score model
16 PSM: Explicitly state the matching algorithm and distance metric, indicate matching ratio (1:m matching), indicate whether sampling with or without replacement was used, describe the statistical methods for the analysis of matched data, report the package used to create matched sample, and describe methods for assessing the comparability of baseline characteristics in the matched groups
17 PSW: Describe methods for assessing the comparability of baseline characteristics in the weighted groups
18 PSS: Give the number of strata and describe methods for assessing the comparability of baseline characteristics in each stratum
19 Explain how assumption of propensity score analysis was examined
20 Explain how missing data in propensity score estimation were addressed
Participants 25.4 PSM: Report the sample size for each treatment group before and after matching
Patient characteristics 28 Describe the distribution of baseline characteristics for each group before propensity score analysis
29 PSM, PSW, PSS: Describe the distribution of baseline characteristics in the matched/weighted groups or in each stratum, and describe the results of the comparability of baseline characteristics
30 Indicate number of patients with missing data for each variable of interest, especially the variables used in propensity score model
Main results 32 Give propensity score analysis estimates and their precision, eg, 95% confidence interval
33 If applicable, give unadjusted estimates and/or adjusted estimates and their precision, eg, 95% confidence interval, and make clear which additional factors were adjusted for
Interpretation 38 Discuss whether imbalance of baseline characteristics still exists, and give a cautious interpretation
Generalizability 40 PSM: Discuss the possibility and potential influence of incomplete matching, especially the studies in which the matched sample size is less than 50%

 For full guidelines, refer to Supplementary Table 6 (available online). CAPs = covariate adjustment using propensity score; PSM = propensity score matching; PSS = propensity score weighting; PSW = propensity score weighting.