(a) Experimental design and tissue grafting scenarios used in this study. (b-d) Upon co-transplantation with IFE, DPs induce epidermal hyperplasia and rearrangements with complex DP-IFE structures forming as early as day 7 (n=5 per time point). Representative images are shown. (e-g) DPs and IFE often undergo extensive remodeling, with IFE forming pocket-like invaginations and with DPs assuming elongated, tongue-like shapes by day 20 (n=5 per time point). Representative images are shown. (h) Three-dimensional serial section reconstruction demonstrates the extent of DP-IFE remodeling on day 20. (i, j) In some instances, DPs remained in the granulation tissue and formed long pegs extending toward IFE. (k) DPs and IFE seldom formed complex structures, morphologically reminiscent of the hair peg stage of normal HF morphogenesis. Size bars: b-g, i-k – 20 µm.