A) Experimental setup: whole plants were caged with (cage+
T. notatus attacked; solid line) or without (control cage, dotted line)
T. notatus.
B) Protein, (
C) starch, (
D) sucrose, (
E) glucose and (
F) fructose were monitored in a time-kinetic from 24 to 144 hr. Statistically significant differences were identified with ANCOVA with mirid as factor and time as continuous explanatory variable. (
B) TSP: time F
1,43 = 25.145, p<0.001; mirid F
1,43 = 19.672, p<0.001; time*mirid F
1,43 = 0.102, p=0.75. (
C) starch: time F
1,44 = 13.949, p<0.001; mirid F
1,44 = 0.342, p=0.561; time*mirid F
1,44 = 4.932, p=0.031. (
D) log transformed sucrose: time F
1,43 = 0.111, p=0.740; mirid F
1,43 = 3.834, p=0.057; time*mirid F
1,43 0.721, p=0.401. (
E) log transformed glucose: time F
1,44 = 0.672, p=0.417; mirid F
1,44 = 0.066, p=0.798; time*mirid F
1,44 4.760, p=0.035. (
F) fructose: time F
1,44 = 0.890, p=0.351; mirid F
1,44 = 0.229, p=0.634; time*mirid F
1,44 1.83, p=0.183. Error bars depict standard errors. (N ≥ 3). FM: fresh mass. For raw data see Raw_data_FIGURE_2_S2 (Dryad:
Brütting et al., 2018).