Appendix 1—figure 1. Explicit biochemical KaiABC model simulated using the Gillespie algorithm.
(a) The experimentally well-characterized clock in S. elongatus consists of a negative feedback-enabled self-sustained oscillator. KaiBC complexes sequester KaiA, preventing runaway KaiC molecules from going through the cycle independently. (b) The genome of P. marinus lacks kaiA. We assume a minimal model consistent with known facts (Rust et al., 2007) about this clock; KaiC phosphorylation proceeds without KaiA and hence different KaiC hexamers can proceed independently through the cycle. (c) We combine both clocks in one model with an interpolating parameter that selects between an S. elongatus-like KaiA-dependent pathway and an P. marinus-like KaiA-independent pathway. All reactions shown are assumed to be first order mass-action kinetics. We simulate such a system at different overall copy numbers using the Gillespie algorithm. (d) We find limit cycles for . The resulting limit cycles for violate the simplifying assumptions used in our dynamical systems (e.g., non-circular cycles of different size); and yet our results are qualitatively validated by this model (Figure 1d from the main text).