Figure 3.
Survival, cardiotoxicity and cardiotoxicity-free survival as a function of cumulative anthracycline dose with simultaneous use of dexrazoxane (A) Predictive models of 5-year survival and cardiotoxicity as a function of dose and dexrazoxane administration with MAP (methotrexate, anthracycline, cisplatin) therapy assumption. Survival rates maintain their linear relationship with increasing dosing strategies. Cardiotoxicity is delayed relative to the no-dexrazoxane model but continues to demonstrate an exponential rise at doses higher than 400 mg/m2. (B) Cardiotoxicity-free survival peaks at 75.4% (95% CI: 74.1–76.6) at cumulative dose of 431.8 mg/m2. (C) Model predictions of cardiotoxicity as a function of time indicate life-long, non-plateuing rise in cardiotoxity at all dosing levels even after the addition of cardioprotectant agents.