Figure 3.
Effect of stimulus frequency and number on responses recorded from the s. radiatum of the CA1 region of SyG37 mice. Trains of 10 stimuli were applied at a fixed voltage at frequencies between 1 Hz and 100 Hz. In panel (A) responses over time are shown for SyGCaMP2 fluorescence extracted from ROIs placed over the s radiatum (sr). Darker gray levels are used to distinguish higher frequencies of stimulation. The means and SEM for the peak (B) and initial slopes (C) of responses are shown (n = 6 slices from four animals). Panels (D–F) illustrate the effects of changing the number of stimuli, delivered at a fixed intensity and frequency of 20 Hz. Darker gray levels are used to distinguish the effects of more stimuli (n = 7 slices from four animals).