Table 3.
Specificities of cloud computing for health care.
Number | Specificity | Previous understanding | Type |
1 | CCa relies on SaaSb | PaaSc and IaaSd in general are as relevant as SaaS | Type 1e |
2 | CC increases data security and interoperability | Low data security and interoperability as CC’s downside | Type 1 |
3 | If any, CC only brings economic benefits in the long term | Reduced costs by using CC in general | Type 1 |
4 | CC focuses on clinical tasks | Health ITf traditionally supports more management areas | Type 2g |
5 | CC supports patient-centeredness | Health IT products are traditionally heavily physician-centered | Type 2 |
6 | CC increases service mobility and flexibility | Health IT traditionally suffers from inflexible service access | Type 2 |
7 | CC facilitates collaboration in clinical areas | Insufficient capabilities of traditional health IT to support collaboration | Type 2 |
aCC: cloud computing.
bSaaS: software as a service.
cPaaS: platofrm as a service.
dIaaS: infrastructure as a service.
eThe specificity challenges what we have learned about CC in a general context.
fIT: information technology.
gThe specificity challenges what we have learned about traditional health IT.